This was new in October 2000

autumn is coming Avantart WebRing is closed

10 years Interstudio

The second Glance

Take the Train to Orodesh

Sainkho appears on two new CDs

LongArms new CDs

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concerts and festivals 2000

Dear Friends of Avantart!

Autumn is coming after a very short, small summer....

and the athmosphere gets melancholic...
An autum poem by Nikolai Karamsin fits to our mood ...
by the way, Karamsin lived in Tsarskoe Selo as well!

If you want to (and can) read the poem in russian:

here it is: OCEN

The Avantart WebRing is closed

I closed the Avantart WebRing, because I cannot accept how Yahoo takes over the free system of WebRings.

10 Jahre Interstudio The Theatre-Academy Interstudio in Puschkin, St. Petersburg, celebrated it's 10th anniversary in July 2000. At the same time, the last generation of students finished it's studies. So their diploma-performances became part if the big party...

We celebrated for two days. There were puppet-theatre- and theatre-performances, art exhibitions, concerts and performances. Read about the jubilee here at Avantart ...

Turandot's bed Those of you, who can read russian, and who cinfigured the browser to show cyrillic letters, will find more information at these russian webpages:

an article from ITOGI on the jubilee and an article from the renowned art server GIFon the exhibition Tsarskoe Selo Topography

Angels as Pilotsminiature 2There are two new CDs out with Sainkho:

miniaturen 2 and Angel as Pilots.

Avantart presents these two CDs and there are small audiopieces as well in MP3

Der zweite Blick In July, I presented my photo-installation the second glance in the palace of Interstudio and at some places outside, at the streets of Pushkin. This installation combines photos and citations from russian literature.

This installation is online now at in a russian and a german version..

Siberskij - St. Petersburg

The many photos which I shot when I traveled by train through the Leningrad Region, as the administration region of St. Petersburg is named still, are so interesting that I am still experimenting with the right form to present them.

A first train is leaving to Orodesh already

Martynov: Hymns

The Moscovitan label LongArmspublished 6 new CDS which I will present here one after the other:.

  1. Alexander Bakshi - Hamlet is dying
  2. Ve Troph - Onia Strappadology
  3. Vladimir Martynov - Hymni
  4. Bakshi: Hamlet is dying
  5. Membranoids - Gimptotheka (Disk #1) + John Silencer Infra-Jazz Quartett (Disk #2)
  6. Anton Batagov - Best before 02:2000
  7. Sergei Zagny - Sonata

A wide spectrum Sergej Zagny: Sonata from minimal, serial music to heavy sound-noise...

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